Automotive Industry
The transportation industry is regarded as one of the most important industries in almost all countries; and automotive industry can be considered as one of the most important sectors of the transportation system in the world, in which many technological evolutions and new product developments happen regularly. According to statistics delivered by one of the most significant groups of industry analysis, the turnover of the automotive industry in 2017 was more than USD 3.395 billion just for OECD countries.
As technology evolves over the years, automotive industry and road transportation in larger scale of the industry as one of the most important transforming industries are renovating constantly. Extensive communication infrastructure for instance Internet of Things (IOT) and its entry into the transportation industry, the development of electric vehicle technologies, running applications and prototypes of autonomous cars, etc. are among the things that will dramatically change the present and future of the automotive and transportation industries.
By concentrating on the evolution of the industry, two key paradigms can be identified and introduced in parallel. The first paradigm can be seen as a revolution in the areas in which the vehicle is the pivotal factor and technological developments are centered around this product, however in the second paradigm transportation considered as a central factor. Although vehicle is again playing a key factor, not the focus of attention. Assumed these two major paradigms, the set of developments in the transportation industry can be divided into the following classifications:
- Transport-driven paradigm
Changing in the delivery of new services (Mobility as a Service) and introduction of innovative business models
- Vehicle-driven paradigm
Development of connected cars, production of electric cars (hybrids, hybrid plug and EVs) and production of autonomous cars.
Each of the above items is discussed as follow:
Transportation industry – Services and clients of Fara Company
With an agile and competent concentration on identifying and tracking of transportation industry developments and simultaneously close cooperation with the active organizations and companies in this field, Fara Company offers the following services to his partners.
Future Study and Policy Making in Automotive Industry
One of the most challenging issues organizations and in larger scale countries are confronting with is the careful assessment of future trends, appropriate policies and technological decisions and how to deal with them, effectively. In this regard, understanding the internal structures, evaluating global trends, reviewing the latest technological developments, national programs and technologies, identifying and developing the required networks and so on are at the highest level of importance to be performed on proper and punctual methods. Undertaking these required matters, large organizations and government agencies can achieve accurate planning for technology choices, technology attachments, regulation, and large-scale policymaking, and so on.
Successful example of the Service accomplished by Fara Company:
Presidential Deputy for Science and Technology of Iran, in developing their plans for foresight and policy making in the development of new technologies in the automotive industry, has nominated Fara Company as a responsible body for implementing the future research projects in this industry. In this project, Fara Company, while carefully studying the industry and future developments, prepared numerous management reports and evaluated key paradigms affecting the future of the automotive industry and assembled a network of key and influential players in the industry. A series of technology research, promotion, and development activities have enabled influential actors to become familiar with the future trends of the industry in addition to understanding their future roles.
Roadmap development and ecosystem expansion
The development of roles and technologies in every industry and organization requires demanding technological assessments, recognition of the current situation, and mapping out a precise way to achieve national and organizational goals and prospects. Roadmap compilation is one of the most common tools for achieving organizational goals. At the national and corporate level, evaluating the present ecosystem and identifying actors and ways to promote them are recognized as one of the most effective ways to develop national and organizational capabilities.
Knowing the importance of the subject and considering the accomplishments and consulting activities of Fara Company in automotive industry along with identifying prominent actors, evaluating their added values, it is undeniably clear that designing corporate and macro ecosystems recognized as one of the services of our company so as to provide accurate recognition of Existing conditions, designing appropriate policy packages and ultimately achieving optimal conditions.
Successful example of the Service accomplished by Fara Company:
Iran vice presidency head of advanced transportation technologies development has designated Fara Company to design the roadmap and proceed with an appropriate model for developing electric vehicle ecosystem due to the extensive activities performed by Fara in the automotive industry.
In this regard, with accurate evaluation of existing technologies inside and outside the country, accurate understanding of the technologies needed for the development and evaluation of various actors, Fara Company has devised a roadmap for the development of electric vehicles in the country by designing local appropriate ecosystem development model for the industry. Fara Company completed the project successfully by studying a variety of approaches to designing an ecosystem-appropriate model such as PIE Model, evaluating the role of each actor in the ecosystem, designing the appropriate policy package for goals including reliability, coevolution, etc.
Designing, developing and applying appropriate business development models
In order to implement the Technological developments successfully in different industries in any society, it is required to develop innovative business models and fulfil them in a pilot scale to identify internal capabilities, assess needs, how actors participate, how to finance and etc. Accordingly, Fara Company has been designing business models for the development of technology and innovation in the society and successful implementation of innovative projects, with careful evaluation of actors, financing methods, economic assessments and so on.
Successful example of the Service accomplished by Fara Company:
One of the most significant organizations influencing the development of smart and connected cars in any country are ICT related organizations that can play a key role in the developing the infrastructure required for smart cars. In this regard, Fara Company in cooperation with one of the above organizations for the development of smart cars in the country, identifies a variety of implemented projects, selects and designs the best possible business models and plans to implement these models in pilot dimensions.
Global markets Study
One of the most important steps in selecting the precise technology or product to deliver to the nominated markets is to study markets in the scale of target countries and global scopes. In this regard, Fara Company, in cooperation with a number of reputable companies in the global dimension has specified a detailed assessment of the markets in various industries including the automotive business with a view to the extensive information network inside the country.
Successful example of the Service accomplished by Fara Company:
An organization from governmental agencies in the country, due to its mission to develop the technology and innovative products of the electric car industry, has provided Fara company with a detailed assessment of the developments in the global market for all types of innovative technologies. In addition to classifying existing products and technologies into different categories such as hybrid cars, plug-in hybrids and electric cars, the project focuses on manufacturing technologies same as series and parallel hybrids and global markets in over 40 countries in the industry. It has been thoroughly evaluated and finally provided clever analysis based on market developments.